Thursday, 18 March 2010

Beware of Embroidery!

"Beware of Embroidery is a new exhibition that features the work of five international contemporary artists who use embroidery as a medium to communicate their ideas and visions. Each artist will present a series of work, variously political, historical or social, created using both traditional and innovative methods and materials.
The exhibition aims to overturn preconceived ideas about the meaning and impact of embroidery and celebrates the energy and diversity that exists within the medium. The artists will confound expectations as they investigate and experiment with the practice of modern embroidery.
Expect this medium to be pushed to it’s boundaries!" This was taken from the Ealing council website and I felt that it summed the exhibition up extremely well. It was a visually exciting exhibition that allowed embroidery to take center stage! There were an array of artists who showed skill, precision and flare however I loved the work by Tilleke Schwarz from the Netherlands. She makes quirky pieces of a combination of hundreds of stitches and different techniques to create challenging and interesting works. Tilleke say herself that her work is " a mixture of graphic quality, content and fooling around. The humor in my work is typical for my Jewish background: a mixture of a laugh and a tear."

I loved her work and felt that by looking closely at her I could be influenced bu her vibrancy and intricate detail and embellishment which i will later use in my project.

I decided to draw a section of this piece and choose to draw the lizard as i loved the techniques used to fill it, i later used this technique with stitch and it crated a wonderful effect.......

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