I recently visited Brick Lane in East London so as to gain an understanding of the culture of India and as i was walking I stumbled across the Brick Lane Art Gallery. By chance i found the artist Josh Cleary's work there which links in extremely well with my work. I took this from Cleary's own page as i felt it summed his work up well "I deliberately choose to draw inspiration from popular culture to ensure viewers either directly recognise an image or have seen one similar to it. This avoids making people stand in front of an artwork wondering what it is about. I feel that if there is no hidden meaning, there is no reason to question its purpose. This allows viewers to simply enjoy the colours, the image and the medium. Basically, I paint and make images that I like, and that others can make. I believe that just about anybody could quickly learn the stencilling techniques required to make work in a similar fashion to this."
The work exhibited used vibrant colours and had the essence of India, he used shapes with lots of movement and most angles were circular again continuing the idea of cycles. Here are y favourite pieces......
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